Thursday, 5 April 2012

필리핀 음식: ADOBO

I made the short composition below as part of our written exam in SKIS last March 26, 2011. Since it is part of the exam, I memorized it in 한글 without the English translation. 

필리핀 음식

I would like to introduce a Filipino dish.
필리핀 음식을 소개하고 싶습니다.

Its a very popular dish because its easy to prepare.
요리하기가 쉽기때문에 이 음식은 유명합니다.

We call it ADOBO.
그 음식의 이름은 아더버입니다.

Its a meat soaked in soy sauce with some garlic, sugar, vinegar & pepper.
간장하고 같이 소량의 마늘, 설탕, 식초, 그리고 후추에 담가서 맛을 낸 고기입니다.

The meat can be chicken, pork or fish.
고기로 닭, 돼지, 생선을 이용할 수 있습니다.

It taste very good because of its sweet and salty taste
아더버는 달고 짭니다, 그래서, 너무 맛있습니다.

I like it and I know how to make one.
저는 그 음식을 좋아합니다, 그리고 어떻게 요리하는지 잘 알고있습니다.

Thanks to Ms Seoyeong Choi for correcting my Korean sentences. 감사합니다!

Korean Language Course in KCC Philippines

What I like the most in KCC in the Philippines is that they offer an intensive Korean language course in 10 weeks equivalent to a total number 72 hours! The 2-hour class is held 3 times a week, which is equal to 60 class-hours. The remaining 12 hours might come from other activities outside the typical classroom setup. What’s more is that the course fee is so dirt cheap - P700 only, equivalent to S$20! The fee is inclusive of the textbook and other materials needed for the duration of the course.

In order for you to appreciate how dirt cheap it is, let me compare my course fee in SKIS which is around S$500 more. That’s around P17, 000 for only 40 class-hours in 3 months! How I wish I can leave work for 5 months just to go back home and grab this opportunity and sign up for Elementary Korean 1 and 2!

Since it is not possible, the only thing I can do now is to appreciate more the value of my Korean language education here in Singapore. Since the course fee is my hard earned money, I will make sure that within the next 3 months of Elementary 2, I will study harder and practice it as soon as possible by conversing with and accepting corrections from native Korean speakers.  I know that learning in classroom setup is not enough. Thus, I will continue to study TTMIK lessons, join Korean language learners’ meet-ups and join groups interested in anything Korean.