Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Why Enroll in SKIS Again

Yesterday, we had our written and oral exam in Korean Language Course.

It means Elementary 1 is over. Should I enroll in the same school for the next level?

After the exam, our teacher showed us http://yago.sg. A satisfied and grateful student can post a review in the school were he/is is enrolled in.

I checked the top schools / language centers that offers Korean language course. I read user's feedback. They all say the same thing - good and understandable Korean teachers, interactive learning, friendly atmosphere, fun & interesting lessons to name a few.

Since all of the them promises the same language learning experience, I wanted to know which one offers more. Instead of basing the decision from the satisfied students, I objectively compared each school by creating the tabulated list below.

School Course Fee  Number Hours  Total Cost 
Language Center Level 1  of Lessons per Lesson  Hours Per Hour

Hanok Korean Class $280.00 10 2 20 $14.00

Daehan KLC $390.50 13 1.5 19.5 $20.03

ASE Singapore $325.00 10 1.5 15 $21.67

SKIS $561.75 20 2 40 $14.04

Shine Language School $250.00 10 1.5 15 $16.67

Epower Language Hub $360.00 10 2 20 $18.00

Ganada  KLC $320.00 10 2 20 $16.00

NUS Extension $400.00 10 2.5 25 $16.00

I based the details above from my previous email correspondence with them and I also checked their respective websites. Sad to say, I'm unable to find the website of ASE Singapore. I only computed the Level 1 regular course fee and I did not consider promotion since it is not predictable.

As you can see, Singapore Korean International School(SKIS) seems to be the most expensive at first glance, but if you will consider the number of lessons and the total number of hours in one level, SKIS is the second most affordable.

Aside from affordability, I also considered the total number of hours offered in a class setup. For me, more hours per level means more time to study the language. More time in class means each topic can be adequately covered.

The other reasons I will again enroll in this school can be found in my previous post.